Sunday, May 24, 2020

Theodore Roosevelt vs Woodrow Wilson Essay - 880 Words

Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Which do you think was a more effective president? Why? In foreign affairs, the white mans burden helped to justify Roosevelts New Imperialism in foreign policy. Uncivilized nations would gain eventual independence once they had conformed to the American model of government and democracy. Roosevelts corollary to the Monroe Doctrine set up the U.S. as policeman in the western hemisphere. Under TR, the U.S. empire extended to include the Philippines, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. He also oversaw the building of the Panama Canal, a tremendous feat that enhanced U.S. commerce immeasurably. On the other side, Wilson was†¦show more content†¦Private patriotic organizations persecuted dissenters and anyone suspected of political radicalism, and the administration sponsored Espionage and Sedition Acts that outlawed criticism of the government, the armed forces, and the war effort. Violators of the law were imprisoned or fined, and even mainstream publications were censored or banned. In January 1918, Wilson made a major speech to Congress in which he laid out Fourteen Points that he believed would, if made the basis of a postwar peace, prevent future wars. Trade restrictions and secret alliances would be abolished, armaments would be curtailed, colonies and the national states that made up the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires would be set on the road to independence, the German-occupied portions of France and Belgium would be evacuated, the revolutionary government of Russia would be welcomed into the community of nations, and a League of Nations would be created to maintain the peace. Believing that this revolutionary program required his personal support, Wilson decided that he would lead the American peace delegation to Paris, becoming the first President ever to go to Europe while in office. Despite Wilsons best efforts, however, the Treaty of Versailles, signed in June 1919, departed significantlyShow MoreRelatedRoosevelt vs. Wilson Essay514 Words   |à ‚  3 PagesRoosevelt vs. Wilson Two great men, two great presidents, led our nations to excellency and great success. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were hard working, intelligent men who were very familiar, but were also different in many aspects. Through their dedication to our country and their passion of politics they have made our country better. There were many similarities between Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. The special relationship with their fathers was a quality thatRead MoreTruman vs. Roosevelt in Progressivism Essay833 Words   |  4 PagesTruman vs. Roosevelt in Progressivism Theodore Roosevelts New Nationalism and Woodrow Wilsons New Freedom were revolutionary thoughts in the early part of the 20th century. 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